
Hessentag 2009 mit Franksen, Toni Rios, Plastik Funk, Tom Wax, Ziel 100

21:00 Uhr
21:00 Uhr
Franksen & Tom Wax - Jah Rules (Katchuli - 1)
21:07 Uhr
DJ T. - Bateria (Get Physical Music - GPM CD 030)
21:11 Uhr
Veitengruber - Bon Melange (Afrilounge Rmx) (8Bit - 21)
21:16 Uhr
Ben Anders - Latin Connection (Waldliebe Limited - 1)
21:20 Uhr
Motorcitysoul - Hatoay (Simple - CD 04)
21:25 Uhr
Butch - Amelie (Format B: Rmx) (Great Stuff - GSR 082)
21:30 Uhr
Anthea & Celler - I Change (Cécille Numbers - CEN 006)
21:35 Uhr
George Morel feat. Maryel Epps - Get On It (Tapesh Rmx) (Groove On - Promo)
21:39 Uhr
Tony Lionni - Found A Place (Ostgut Tonträger - O TON 022)
21:43 Uhr
Franksen & Tom Wax - Salvation (Promo - Promo)
21:49 Uhr
Sercan - My Name Is The Lord (Promo - Promo)
21:54 Uhr
Turntablerocker - All Night (Compost - 297-1)
21:59 Uhr
Carlo Lio - Crispy (No. 19 Music - NO 19005)
22:04 Uhr
Mark Broom - Jackpot (Nic Fanciulli Mix) (Saved - 34)
22:10 Uhr
Marco Carola - Bloody Cash (Plus 8 - 104)
22:16 Uhr
DJ T. - Dis (Solomun Rmx) (Get Physical Music - GPM 111)
22:19 Uhr
Hermannstadt Collektive - Safety Match (Bangbang! - BANG 004)
22:24 Uhr
Santos - Hold Home (Moon Harbour - MHR 044-6)
22:29 Uhr
Inxec & Matt Tolfrey - I Just Can't (Cocoon - COR 10 001)
22:33 Uhr
Ronald Christoph - Underground Limbo (Paradigma Musik - PARADIGMA 009)
22:39 Uhr
Sharam Jey - Shake Your (Namito Rmx) (King Kong - KKR 030)
22:43 Uhr
Franksen & Tom Wax - Bodyworker (Phuture Wax - Promo)
22:46 Uhr
Darkmountaingroup - Lose Control (Buzzin' Fly - 017 BUZZ)
22:50 Uhr
Armand Van Helden - The Funk Phenomena (Henry Street Music - HS 185)
22:53 Uhr
Lützenkirchen - Foxy (Great Stuff - GSR 086)
23:00 Uhr
Toni Rios
23:00 Uhr
Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)
23:07 Uhr
Dan Andrei - Untitled 1 (Kurbits - 1)
23:15 Uhr
Fachmann - Promo (Fachmann - 5)
23:18 Uhr
Jakob Hilden - Glamouflage (Trapez - 99)
23:24 Uhr
Heiko Laux - Promo (Baalsaal Music - BAAL 7)
23:29 Uhr
Jakob Hilden - Ground N Pound (Trapez - 99)
23:32 Uhr
&Me - F.I.R. (Keinemusik - KM 002)
23:38 Uhr
Dejan Milicevic feat. Kobe - Boogie Vujsla (Promo - Promo)
23:43 Uhr
Einmusik - Vom (Promo - Promo)
23:49 Uhr
Jack Childs - What's The Point (Samy Rmx) (Promo - Promo)
23:56 Uhr
Paul Woolford - Timebomb (Intimacy - CLOSE 07)
00:04 Uhr
Gene - Moving Images (Soap - 17)
00:10 Uhr
Christian Fischer - I Know (Kaiserdisco Rmx) (Definition - DEF 2029)
00:16 Uhr
Johannes Heil - Sungod (Datapunk - DTP 036)
00:19 Uhr
Xantiago - Mambonessa (Promo - Promo)
00:24 Uhr
Umek - Pravim Haos (Cocoon - COR 10 002)
00:31 Uhr
Plastik Funk
00:31 Uhr
Bingo Players vs. Chocolate Puma - Disco Electrique (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12680 D)
00:36 Uhr
Bart B More feat. MC Flipside - So It Goes (Chocolate Puma Rmx) (Oxyd - OX 5267)
00:41 Uhr
Bozz & Dani Villa - I Like It (Chris Kaeser Rmx) (Promo - Promo)
00:46 Uhr
Chuckie - Let The Bass Kick (Net's Work International - NWI 338)
00:50 Uhr
Carl Tricks - Get This (Sneakerz Music - SNEAK 062)
00:54 Uhr
David Tort - Acid (Lost In Acid Ausfahrt Mix) (Joia - 53)
00:58 Uhr
Dario Nunez feat. DJ Nano - Back One (Promo - Promo)
01:04 Uhr
Javi Mula - Come On (Time - 547)
01:07 Uhr
The Face vs. Mark Brown & Adam Shaw - Needin U (DJ Wady Ibiza Mix) (Promo - Promo)
01:14 Uhr
Astro & Glyde - El Mariachi (Dr. Kucho Mix) (Seven Limited - Promo)
01:19 Uhr
Plastik Funk - Rise (Voodoo & Serano vs. Plastik Funk Rmx) (Ministry Of Sound - Promo)
01:24 Uhr
FLG vs. F-Man - The Joker (Flamingo - FLAM 007D)
01:28 Uhr
The Cut & Mind Electric - Sweat (Dub Mix) (Promo - Promo)
01:32 Uhr
Hagenaar & Albrecht feat. Radical Noiz - In And Out (Spinnin - SP 121)
01:37 Uhr
Mark Knight & Funkagenda vs. Paul Thomas - Arena (Toolroom - TOOL 048)
01:44 Uhr
Outwork vs. Shlomi Aber - Elektro (Bootleg) (Promo - Promo)
01:50 Uhr
Second Sun - Fire & Water (Ultra - UL 2046)
01:56 Uhr
Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (Lush 7 Rmx) (Wasted - 3)
02:02 Uhr
Luca & Paul - Dinamicro (Karotte Rmx) (Polar Noise - PLN 010)
02:08 Uhr
Laidback Luke - Break The House Down (Mixmash - MIXMA 005)
02:14 Uhr
Adel Ramos - Alegria (Raul Cremona Rmx) (Promo - Promo)
02:18 Uhr
Anthony Rother - Father (Subliminal - SUB 147)
02:24 Uhr
Alex Celler - La Palma (Arearemote - AREA 010)
02:28 Uhr
Pineapple Crew vs. Pascal Dior - My Pretty Bitch (Tekki Mix) (Royal Flush - RF 082)
02:34 Uhr
Tom Wax
02:32 Uhr
Danny Tenaglia - Elements (Twisted America - TW24-55408)
02:34 Uhr
Tom Wax & Boris Alexander - Perfect Summer (Promo - Promo)
02:38 Uhr
Alan Fitzpatrick - Payser (Uto Karem Rmx) (Sprout Music - Promo)
02:42 Uhr
Anton Pieete - Players (Intacto - INTAC 017)
02:48 Uhr
Milton Channels - Hey You (Avenue - AVN D060)
02:54 Uhr
Format: B - Edding 850 (Highgrade - 54)
02:56 Uhr
Radio Slave feat. Danton Eeprom - Grindhouse (Dubfire Terror Planet Rmx) (Rekids - 27)
03:04 Uhr
Deepgroove & Jamie Anderson - Turbo (Cocoon - COR 12 059)
03:08 Uhr
Jamie Jones - You! (Crosstown Rebels - CRM 049)
03:11 Uhr
Erphun - Maziratee (Herzblut - 13)
03:16 Uhr
Steve Mac & Paul Harris - Dizzy Heights (Smack - 2)
03:20 Uhr
Reboot - Ronson (Cocoon - COR 12 058)
03:25 Uhr
Mauro Picotto - Living For The Time (Alchemy - ALC 030)
03:32 Uhr
STFU - SFYM (STFU Mix) (Tiger - 100)
03:39 Uhr
Fever Ray - Triangle Walks (Spektre Rmx) (Rabid - Promo)
03:45 Uhr
Luomo - Tessio (Ramon Tapia Rmx) (Great Stuff - GSR 087)
03:51 Uhr
Tom Wax - Hessentags Megamix 2009 (Promo - Promo)
03:58 Uhr
The Prodigy - Warrior's Dance (Take Me To The Hospital - HOSPCDS 04)
Ziel 100
Data - Verenger (Ziel 100 Bootleg) (Promo - Promo)
Ziel 100 - Gulaschsuppe (Promo - Promo)
Bug Weimar - Trepanation (Ziel 100 Live Rmx) (Copy Cat - Promo)
Ziel 100 - It Takes A Nation (Promo - Promo)
Ziel 100 - Live Acid Improvisation (Promo - Promo)
Ziel 100 - Pride (Zielscheiben - 3)
Pitt Larsen - Chicas En Bikini (Ziel 100 Live Rmx) (Promo - Promo)
Ziel 100 & Lila Pulver - Torture (Ziel Scheiben - 4)
La Rez - Wo Kommen Wir Her (Ziel 100 Rmx) (Distorzone Copper - DZ-COPPER 001)
Volzmusik - Nachtfalter (Ziel 100 Rmx) (Ziel Scheiben - 2)
Ziel 100 - Ich Bin (Ziel Scheiben - Promo)
21:00 Uhr
- Franksen
21:00 Uhr
Jah Rules - Franksen & Tom Wax (Katchuli - 1)
21:07 Uhr
Bateria - DJ T. (Get Physical Music - GPM CD 030)
21:11 Uhr
Bon Melange (Afrilounge Rmx) - Veitengruber (8Bit - 21)
21:16 Uhr
Latin Connection - Ben Anders (Waldliebe Limited - 1)
21:20 Uhr
Hatoay - Motorcitysoul (Simple - CD 04)
21:25 Uhr
Amelie (Format B: Rmx) - Butch (Great Stuff - GSR 082)
21:30 Uhr
I Change - Anthea & Celler (Cécille Numbers - CEN 006)
21:35 Uhr
Get On It (Tapesh Rmx) - George Morel feat. Maryel Epps (Groove On - Promo)
21:39 Uhr
Found A Place - Tony Lionni (Ostgut Tonträger - O TON 022)
21:43 Uhr
Salvation - Franksen & Tom Wax (Promo - Promo)
21:49 Uhr
My Name Is The Lord - Sercan (Promo - Promo)
21:54 Uhr
All Night - Turntablerocker (Compost - 297-1)
21:59 Uhr
Crispy - Carlo Lio (No. 19 Music - NO 19005)
22:04 Uhr
Jackpot (Nic Fanciulli Mix) - Mark Broom (Saved - 34)
22:10 Uhr
Bloody Cash - Marco Carola (Plus 8 - 104)
22:16 Uhr
Dis (Solomun Rmx) - DJ T. (Get Physical Music - GPM 111)
22:19 Uhr
Safety Match - Hermannstadt Collektive (Bangbang! - BANG 004)
22:24 Uhr
Hold Home - Santos (Moon Harbour - MHR 044-6)
22:29 Uhr
I Just Can't - Inxec & Matt Tolfrey (Cocoon - COR 10 001)
22:33 Uhr
Underground Limbo - Ronald Christoph (Paradigma Musik - PARADIGMA 009)
22:39 Uhr
Shake Your (Namito Rmx) - Sharam Jey (King Kong - KKR 030)
22:43 Uhr
Bodyworker - Franksen & Tom Wax (Phuture Wax - Promo)
22:46 Uhr
Lose Control - Darkmountaingroup (Buzzin' Fly - 017 BUZZ)
22:50 Uhr
The Funk Phenomena - Armand Van Helden (Henry Street Music - HS 185)
22:53 Uhr
Foxy - Lützenkirchen (Great Stuff - GSR 086)
23:00 Uhr
- Toni Rios
23:00 Uhr
Promo - Promo (Promo - Promo)
23:07 Uhr
Untitled 1 - Dan Andrei (Kurbits - 1)
23:15 Uhr
Promo - Fachmann (Fachmann - 5)
23:18 Uhr
Glamouflage - Jakob Hilden (Trapez - 99)
23:24 Uhr
Promo - Heiko Laux (Baalsaal Music - BAAL 7)
23:29 Uhr
Ground N Pound - Jakob Hilden (Trapez - 99)
23:32 Uhr
F.I.R. - &Me (Keinemusik - KM 002)
23:38 Uhr
Boogie Vujsla - Dejan Milicevic feat. Kobe (Promo - Promo)
23:43 Uhr
Vom - Einmusik (Promo - Promo)
23:49 Uhr
What's The Point (Samy Rmx) - Jack Childs (Promo - Promo)
23:56 Uhr
Timebomb - Paul Woolford (Intimacy - CLOSE 07)
00:04 Uhr
Moving Images - Gene (Soap - 17)
00:10 Uhr
I Know (Kaiserdisco Rmx) - Christian Fischer (Definition - DEF 2029)
00:16 Uhr
Sungod - Johannes Heil (Datapunk - DTP 036)
00:19 Uhr
Mambonessa - Xantiago (Promo - Promo)
00:24 Uhr
Pravim Haos - Umek (Cocoon - COR 10 002)
00:31 Uhr
- Plastik Funk
00:31 Uhr
Disco Electrique - Bingo Players vs. Chocolate Puma (Strictly Rhythm - SR 12680 D)
00:36 Uhr
So It Goes (Chocolate Puma Rmx) - Bart B More feat. MC Flipside (Oxyd - OX 5267)
00:41 Uhr
I Like It (Chris Kaeser Rmx) - Bozz & Dani Villa (Promo - Promo)
00:46 Uhr
Let The Bass Kick - Chuckie (Net's Work International - NWI 338)
00:50 Uhr
Get This - Carl Tricks (Sneakerz Music - SNEAK 062)
00:54 Uhr
Acid (Lost In Acid Ausfahrt Mix) - David Tort (Joia - 53)
00:58 Uhr
Back One - Dario Nunez feat. DJ Nano (Promo - Promo)
01:04 Uhr
Come On - Javi Mula (Time - 547)
01:07 Uhr
Needin U (DJ Wady Ibiza Mix) - The Face vs. Mark Brown & Adam Shaw (Promo - Promo)
01:14 Uhr
El Mariachi (Dr. Kucho Mix) - Astro & Glyde (Seven Limited - Promo)
01:19 Uhr
Rise (Voodoo & Serano vs. Plastik Funk Rmx) - Plastik Funk (Ministry Of Sound - Promo)
01:24 Uhr
The Joker - FLG vs. F-Man (Flamingo - FLAM 007D)
01:28 Uhr
Sweat (Dub Mix) - The Cut & Mind Electric (Promo - Promo)
01:32 Uhr
In And Out - Hagenaar & Albrecht feat. Radical Noiz (Spinnin - SP 121)
01:37 Uhr
Arena - Mark Knight & Funkagenda vs. Paul Thomas (Toolroom - TOOL 048)
01:44 Uhr
Elektro (Bootleg) - Outwork vs. Shlomi Aber (Promo - Promo)
01:50 Uhr
Fire & Water - Second Sun (Ultra - UL 2046)
01:56 Uhr
Greece 2000 (Lush 7 Rmx) - Three Drives On A Vinyl (Wasted - 3)
02:02 Uhr
Dinamicro (Karotte Rmx) - Luca & Paul (Polar Noise - PLN 010)
02:08 Uhr
Break The House Down - Laidback Luke (Mixmash - MIXMA 005)
02:14 Uhr
Alegria (Raul Cremona Rmx) - Adel Ramos (Promo - Promo)
02:18 Uhr
Father - Anthony Rother (Subliminal - SUB 147)
02:24 Uhr
La Palma - Alex Celler (Arearemote - AREA 010)
02:28 Uhr
My Pretty Bitch (Tekki Mix) - Pineapple Crew vs. Pascal Dior (Royal Flush - RF 082)
02:34 Uhr
- Tom Wax
02:32 Uhr
Elements - Danny Tenaglia (Twisted America - TW24-55408)
02:34 Uhr
Perfect Summer - Tom Wax & Boris Alexander (Promo - Promo)
02:38 Uhr
Payser (Uto Karem Rmx) - Alan Fitzpatrick (Sprout Music - Promo)
02:42 Uhr
Players - Anton Pieete (Intacto - INTAC 017)
02:48 Uhr
Hey You - Milton Channels (Avenue - AVN D060)
02:54 Uhr
Edding 850 - Format: B (Highgrade - 54)
02:56 Uhr
Grindhouse (Dubfire Terror Planet Rmx) - Radio Slave feat. Danton Eeprom (Rekids - 27)
03:04 Uhr
Turbo - Deepgroove & Jamie Anderson (Cocoon - COR 12 059)
03:08 Uhr
You! - Jamie Jones (Crosstown Rebels - CRM 049)
03:11 Uhr
Maziratee - Erphun (Herzblut - 13)
03:16 Uhr
Dizzy Heights - Steve Mac & Paul Harris (Smack - 2)
03:20 Uhr
Ronson - Reboot (Cocoon - COR 12 058)
03:25 Uhr
Living For The Time - Mauro Picotto (Alchemy - ALC 030)
03:32 Uhr
SFYM (STFU Mix) - STFU (Tiger - 100)
03:39 Uhr
Triangle Walks (Spektre Rmx) - Fever Ray (Rabid - Promo)
03:45 Uhr
Tessio (Ramon Tapia Rmx) - Luomo (Great Stuff - GSR 087)
03:51 Uhr
Hessentags Megamix 2009 - Tom Wax (Promo - Promo)
03:58 Uhr
Warrior's Dance - The Prodigy (Take Me To The Hospital - HOSPCDS 04)
- Ziel 100
Verenger (Ziel 100 Bootleg) - Data (Promo - Promo)
Gulaschsuppe - Ziel 100 (Promo - Promo)
Trepanation (Ziel 100 Live Rmx) - Bug Weimar (Copy Cat - Promo)
It Takes A Nation - Ziel 100 (Promo - Promo)
Live Acid Improvisation - Ziel 100 (Promo - Promo)
Pride - Ziel 100 (Zielscheiben - 3)
Chicas En Bikini (Ziel 100 Live Rmx) - Pitt Larsen (Promo - Promo)
Torture - Ziel 100 & Lila Pulver (Ziel Scheiben - 4)
Wo Kommen Wir Her (Ziel 100 Rmx) - La Rez (Distorzone Copper - DZ-COPPER 001)
Nachtfalter (Ziel 100 Rmx) - Volzmusik (Ziel Scheiben - 2)
Ich Bin - Ziel 100 (Ziel Scheiben - Promo)
kein Eintrag
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