
Tom Wax, Talla 2XLC, Ulli Brenner - Talla 2XLC. Birthday & Clubnight CD Vol. 2 Release Party

21:05 Uhr
- - Tom Wax
Propellerheads - Take California (Wall Of Sound - WALL LP 015)
The Chemical Brothers - Morning Lemon (Freestyle Dust - CHEMSTDJ 5)
Mainz Allstars - Dope Jam (Over X Posure - OVERXPO 13)
Silver Bullet - Bring Forth The Guillotine (Tam Tam - RTTT 013)
The Break Boys - My House Is Your House (Buzz - BZZXL 106026)
Sven Väth - Fusion (Virgin)
Daft Punk - Revolution 909 (Virgin - 894821)
The Cardigans - Your New Cuckou (Promo)
Outlander - The Vamp (R & S - RS 97113)
Puff Daddy & The Family - Been Around The World (Bad Boy - BBDP 9135)
Phil Fuldner - The Final (Superfly - 10009)
? - Groove Diggas (Plastic City)
Orinoko - Mama Konda (3 Lanka - 3LAN 031)
Praga Khan - Injected With A Poison (Dance Opera - DO 507 R)
B.B.E. - Deeper Love (541416500010)
DJ Don - Keep On Pumpin' It Up (Dance Opera - DO 508)
DJ Scot Project - Phat Sound (Overdose - DOSE 034)
Run D.M.C. vs. Jason Nevins - It's Tricky (Epidrome)
Ghettoblasta - I.O.U. (Epidrome)
Space Frog - Lost In Space '98 (Dance Pool - 665423)
Talla 2XLC meets Tom Wax - NRG (Tetsuo - TET 33)
Wax Scientists feat. Bill Brown - Shadowman (Phuture Wax - WAX 036)
DJ Slug - Forerunner (Tetsuo - TET 35)
Antiloop - In My Mind (Urban Tracks)
? - Storm (Dance Pool)
Electric Nature - The Electric Nature (Ultrax - ULX 002)
? - Quodrophonia (Ars - 056 768 6)
DJ Dero - El Tren (The Horn) (Groove Groove Melody - GGM 97.63)
Bombsquad - In Your Face (Phuture Wax - WAX 039)
DJ Ufuk - Can You Realize (Phuture Wax - WAX 038)
Nad's Lab - Deepalized II (Time Unlimited - TIME 091)
Tom Wax & Jan Jacarta - Wormhole (Tetsuo - TET 28)
Rodd-Y-Ler - Lifesign (Orbit)
Resistance D. - Impressions (Planet Vision - VISION 10)
Silent Breed - Sync In (A.F.U. - 16)
Illuminatae - Tremora Del Terra (XVX - 1)
AWeX - It's Our Future (Trance Box - TRAMX 23)
Speedy J - Pannik (Mute - 12 NoMu 60)
Vojo Tracks - Sounds Of Frustration (Vivid - 001)
00:14 Uhr
- - Talla 2XLC.
T2 - 08:15 To Nowhere (Tetsuo/Epidrome - TET 37)
Airfire - Rape (Future - 23)
MC Jump - Higher (Mindworx - MX 021)
Nukems World III - Sweeping Night (Future - 21)
Marino Stephano - Eternal Rhapsody (Heaven Beats - HB 2060)
Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000 (ZYX - 8756)
Lustral - Everytime (Hooj Choons - 003)
? - Face The Phase Part II (Clubtools)
DJ Looney Tune - Workstation (Tetsuo - TET 32 R)
Yakooza - Situation (Overdose - DOSE 035)
Heaven Traxx - Rush (Heaven Beats - HB 2061)
C.M. - Dream Universe Remix (Fog Trance - 114 R)
Westbam - Crash Course (Low Spirit - 562451)
Brainvibe - System Of Love '97 (Up Beats - UP 029)
Adrima - For Love (Dos Or Die - DOS 073)
York - The Awakening (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 100)
Twinax - Psyco (Tetsuo - TET 41)
Final Fantasy - Everytime (Suck Me Plasma)
Talla vs. Taucher - Together (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 98)
Express - Station 1 (Clockwork - CW 015)
Karma - The Marillion (Friendship - FRI 001)
Praga Khan - Injected With A Poison (Dance Opera - DO 507)
Hand's Burn - Vision Of Life (Fogtrance - 119)
Rodd-Y-Ler - Life Signs (Orbit)
Human Force - Blackout (Drizzly - DMD-DRIZ-9804)
Kai Tracid - Your Own Reality (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 94)
The Swimmer - Stand By (Spirit - 16)
Yves Deruyter - The Rebel (Orbit - 0166)
Panama - Devices (Suck Me Plasma)
Resistance D. - Impressions (Planet Vision - VISION 10)
DJ Mehmet - Go-Limit (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 104)
Moonproject - Moonrise (Bonzai Trance - 001)
Aqualite - Outback (Suck Me Plasma - SUCK 101)
Sosa - The Wave (Suck Me Plasma)
03:07 Uhr
- - Ulli Brenner
Albion - Always (Time Unlimited - TIME 094)
Electric Disco - Electric Disco (Discomania - D 37)
Don Esteban - Steppin' Out (Doma - 113)
? - Temple Of House4 (Mackenzie - MAC 1084)
Kay Cee - Escape (Go For It - GO 9826)
Meridian - Tidal (Planet Love - PLO 0916)
Global Players - I Like Noise (Space Flower - SPF 0030)
Design - 0° Zero Celsios (Boy - 532)
Equator - Secret Silence (Drizzly - DMDDRIZ 9714122)
Dolphin's Mind - L'Esperanza (Adrenalin - ADR 005)
Kai Tracid - Your Own Reality (Suck me Plasma)
Sascha, Miguel & Longi - The Greatest Trip (Promo)
Vincent De Moor - Orion City (Deal - 16)
Calderone - Flash In The Night (Space Traxx - 015)
Saccoman - Magic Moments (ZYX - 8806)
Tiesto, Montana & Storm - Bleckentrommel (Reflect - RFT 003)
Aquadonis - Energy Hype (Mackenzie Mondo Music - MMM 9802)
Hand's Burn - Good Shot (No Trance Limit - NTC 9703)
Allure - When She Left (Black Hole - 101)
Mauro Picotto - Magic Flight (Media - PSNP 0076)
N-Tribe - The Big Beat (N-Tribe - 01)
Plastic Angel - Enter The Darkroom (Wash - 0086)
25 Style - Give Me A Sign (Ultrax - 003)
Gizma - The Long Night (Crosstrax - DMC-001-97)
DJ Mo vs. Marc de Clarq - Lunatic Child (Fire - 74321 55796)
Mirage - Syrus (Technogold - TEG 011)
Phase 2 Face - The Call (Lunatec - LUNA 46)
Millo - Pull The Trigger (Fuse - 005)
Future Breeze - Another Day (Go For It - GO 98)
Du suchst diese Clubnight? Habe diese und noch mehr CN. Tausche gegen alle CN, die älter sind als 1997 oder Live-Clubnights. contact: lycost@lycos.de
Was ne üble Nacht.....nach dem Tunnelrave 1997 die zweite komplette Spezial-CN die ich damals nonstop am Tape verbracht habe..
Sebastian | 22.04.2007
Hi Leute,

hat jemand vielleicht diese komplette Clubnight irgendwo hochgeladen?

Oder weiß jemand wo man sie sich Downloaden kann?

Bin umgezogen und finde jetzt diese spezielle Clubnight nicht wieder und es war eine abolute Favorit Clubnight und eines der geilsten Party Events im Jahre 1998.......

Bitte helft mir weiter.......

Gruß Stefan
Stefan | 25.09.2009
Ich hab sie..... Gott sei Dank... cheraxhoacreek@freenet.de....bei Bedarf.
older4me70 | 03.02.2010

kennt jemand den song, der in minute 18 anfängt (CN 14.03.98)? suche das gute stück schon eine weile.

gruß und danke
john | 24.08.2010
Nointhg I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
Kelly | 16.12.2014

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